
Showing posts from January, 2019

Why hire an Inspired Speaker?

An inspired life, is an easy life. Recently I was speaking at an event for a Business Journal in the North Eastern United States. The CEO of a $4 billion company with 22,000 employees was sitting in the audience. While at my talk, he sent an e-mail to his team and told them to book me for their annual kick-off meeting which was 30 days later. Thirty days later I found myself back in the same city, and about to go on stage in a ballroom of 600 executives. The CEO introduced me and explained that he had heard me speak the prior month, and my talk had put two questions on his heart: 1. What is possible? and 2. What am I really capable of doing? The CEO explained that hearing my story made him re-examine these two very important questions, and he wanted his executives to have the opportunity of hearing me speak so they too could have a growth experience. In the next 45 minutes I told my life story, and we laughed together, cried together, hoped together, hurt together and cheered ...

DISRUPTION in the New Year

“Changing of the status quo. Setting out in a new direction. Breaking the cycle.” I hear the term “disruption” a lot at conventions, conferences and business meetings where I speak. It is talked about as being a novel idea, something that we all must take up arms to do. In fact, it is something that is begun on a daily basis. The real message with disruption is that we must “follow through” once we start our disruption. It is timely to have this discussion as we start a new year. As individuals, we make new resolutions and set goals for ourselves for our professional, personal and spiritual pursuits. As organizations, we reveal new annual plans with new service and product launches, budgets and strategic initiatives. These are efforts to disrupt the status quo, and bring about positive change. For any business or person that wants to grow and evolve, we should all be able to agree that change is a necessary ingredient for this process. Stagnation is a sure path to a s...

The Why?

100 miles done in 24 hours at Across the Years 2019 I'm on the phone with a friend I met on the Camino de Santiago in Spain just 3 short months ago. She asks what I've been up to, and I tell her I just finished running for 24 hours. There are some pauses, some clarifying questions, some laughs, some stories, and then she asks me, "Why Jason? At some point you need to ask yourself, why do you do this to yourself?" For anybody who has ever ventured to do something "out of the ordinary", be prepared to be asked by others "why?"  Think deeply about your response, before you respond. This is an amazing moment, when you can truly share the essence of who you are with another person. They don't care about what you do for a living, they don't care about what you have, they don't care about where you came from, they don't care about the color of your skin, they don't care about whether you're blind or in a wheelchair, they ju...